Spindleberry Nature Park

Nestled between Blackbird Leys and Greater Leys, Spindleberry Nature Park is a beautiful green area of 3 hectares. It currently provides opportunities for residents to reconnect with nature and the natural environment. It is owned and managed by Oxford City Council.

See: www.oxford.gov.uk/directory_record/909/spindleberry_nature_park

Friends of Spindelberry Park are campaigning to save the park from being destroyed by Oxford City Council and used for private market value housing.

This would destroy the only green field on this side of Blackbird Leys destroying natural wildlife and a kids play area all for greedy private profit.

Once its gone we’ve lost it forever. This area is part of blackbird leys and has been an open space for the last sixty years, we don’t want to lose it. It’s a safe space for all the local community and wildlife.